Thursday, June 30, 2011

Visiting Stephanie ;)

Zekey's daycare was closed today (and tomorrow and Monday). And I was off today. Instead of sitting around the house and this boy begging to watch Dora all day, we went and visited Stephanie!

Before Zekey was born we hung out a few times a month. Now I barely see her every few months!

She has like a Secret Garden in her backyard! I am super jealous.

Including at least 7 HUGE blueberry bushes!

Do you see how high they are? It is crazy. I am totally planting us a blueberry bush (or 2) next year.

She also has a really nice sized vegetable plot.

See her little squash?

1 comment:

Carla said...

I LOOOOOVE blueberries!

There's a huge fig tree in my yard that's blooming right now!

Homegrown fruit is THE best.