Well, first of all, I would like to give credit where credit is due. This girl had this super awesome idea to make a PREGNANT DOLL, which I totally stole. I am assuaging my guilt by giving her credit, and pointing to her site whenever someone comments on my doll.
It took me a really long time - lots and lots of trial and error. I could have just bought a pattern.
But, honestly I don't like to work from patterns. For one thing, I sometimes have trouble following them. For another, they are too restrictive. How is someone going to tell ME what to do?
It was really fun to make, though. She has on a dress that I would love in my size and handmade jasper beaded earrings with sterling silver posts - they would be cute on a 'real' person, too!
The next few pictures are a little graphic. So scroll at your own risk.
I love how my doll has boobs - which are slightly lopsided, guys who take a closer look keep noticing. But who's boobs are perfect, I ask them.
BTW, she's in labor. I made an actual pocket that the baby can fit in. I guess I should have bent her legs up to imitate the actual pose- but I think you have the idea.
Awww, look at the cutie!
I love how my doll has boobs - which are slightly lopsided, guys who take a closer look keep noticing. But who's boobs are perfect, I ask them.
thats interesting... slightly creepy... but very interesting, unique, and displays your huge talent for making dolls! Great job!!!
Awww Ayana I love it you did a great job! Did you email Nicole a pic? -Dashia
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